入會申請 (個人)
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I hereby,
  1. make an application to apply for the membership (Individual) of 世界華人會計師聯盟 (“WCAC”) and agree to be bound by WCAC’s Articles of Association and membership rules as amended from time to time.
  2. declare that I am a Chinese and professional accountant of a recognised Professional Accounting Body.
  3. declare that the information supplied in this application is true, correct and complete.
  4. understand and accept the intention of WCAC to regularly communicate with us on membership, updates, events, projects, publications and that we may exercise the following option by inserting in the box to opt out from communications.
  5. understand and accept that the information supplied may be made available to the related companies or associates, group sister associations, agents, contractors, business associates, service providers or allies of WCAC for any of the above purposes or other professional bodies or government bodies or regulators, as may be necessary for WCAC to fulfill its statutory obligations.
  6. understand I have a right of access and correction regarding my respective data and may require WCAC to cease to use the data. Such requests can be directed to WCAC by post at 6/F, 88 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
  7. understand and undertake the payment of HK$1,000/RMB1,000/US$150 individual membership fee for two years*.
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